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About Us


The Best Jamaican Food in Ohio!

Ohio’s most authentic Jamaican restaurant, located on the West Side of Toledo OH.  Here the spices are traditional, classic Jamaican Grandma’s style cooking.


Roy Reid (Richie) our owner, lead chef and visionary of Jamaican Spice. Originally from a town called Burnt Savannah, in the parish of Westmoreland, Jamaica, he now calls Toledo his home. Roy is known for his strong work ethic, warmth, and friendly demeanor. He has always enjoyed cooking. Learning how to cook from a tender age, he hails from a family of great chefs.Roy takes pride in his food and is his biggest critic, and focuses on quality second to taste. He takes pride in the  traditional methods of authentic Jamaican cooking. Always using fresh spices and strives to source the freshest produce.


When you walk into Jamaican Spice you are greeted by pleasant, friendly and cool-as-can-be staff, in a vibrant, colorful and  laid back chill atmosphere.  We offer a family friendly vibe, with a live reggae concert always on the television and reggae music pumping through the speakers.

Drawing from the diverse Jamaican cuisine, the menu offers island specialties like Jerk chicken, Escoveitch fish, Oxtail, Curried goat, and curry chicken – seasoned with scotch bonnet peppers and fiery jerk spices.  We offer an assortment of vegan dishes.

In short, Jamaican Spice is a welcoming, short palatable getaway to the island of Jamaica located in West Toledo Ohio.  Whether it's a meal, a snack or comfort food, you can dine in, or take it away, the taste is still the same.


  If you have any questions about our Events or our Specials, please call us at 419-214-0314.

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